Kickstarter Watch: Tales of the Warrior Princesses

Tales of the Warrior Princesses (on Kickstarter through March 9) looks like a great idea for an RPG book on its own, but when you add the fact that my friend Darcy Ross contributed to it, that takes it up to 11!

The project is funding two books: Warrior Princesses in the Realm of Everafter (a revised edition of a 5e setting book focused on fairy tale heroines) and Tales of the Warrior Princesses (a new adventure book focusing on each of the princesses).

Darcy co-wrote one of the adventures in Tales of the Warrior Princesses (with Rebekah McFarland), and she described the book like so:

TotWP is a book of adventures for D&D 5th Edition, with pregenerated characters (“Warrior Princesses”) that are reminiscent of classic and modern fairy tale princesses that are D&D-ified and badass in all sorts of ways. Pulling from these familiar stories and characters makes the game pretty easily accessible, and the world is a lovely playground of different fairytale settings with their characteristic Big Bads wreaking havoc across the world.

Though I haven’t been able to see the actual product yet, this looks like the kind of thing that would make me like a D&D game–a fairytale feel plus a focus on feminine protagonists.

Take a look at this cover mock-up…I may have to spring for the hardcover! It’s a beauty.

Tales of the Warrior Princesses (Kickstarter)

Product Release: “Unexpected Colony”

Pinnacle Entertainment Group just released a One Sheet Adventure I wrote for their Last Parsec setting. And it’s free! Here are more details, from Pinnacle’s announcement:

How did that elephant get in my refrigerator? When did I grow extra toes? Where did that settlement come from? All three of these questions are things you don’t really expect to ask yourself, but at least one of them will come up in Unexpected Colony—the new One Sheet Adventure written by Keith Garrett for The Last Parsec

When you answer the distress call of the downed cargo ship Azimuth, you were expecting a simple rescue and recovery. When has space ever been simple? 

Like most all of our One Sheet Adventures, Unexpected Colony is good for a quick adventure, easy to expand to a larger timeline, ready to be inserted into an ongoing game, or a good spot to start a campaign. Like absolutely all of our One Sheets, it’s also free! Grab it while the bits are still fresh!

Unexpected Colony PDF

Charitable Game Promotions

Here in the US, we’re in the 3rd week of a terrible new presidential administration. The party dominating the government is the party of discrimination, selfishness, and religion, and they’re wasting no time in working to undermine the safety and security of everyone who doesn’t look and act and think the way they do.

Fortunately, a lot of us are doing what we can to resist these hateful actions and attitudes—taking actions such as calling and writing representatives, attending marches and other protests, and donating to organizations designed to help the people and institutions that are currently jeopardized.

This latter group includes some game designers, and that’s what I want to spotlight today.

Monte Cook Games

Monte Cook Games has a sale running through Friday, February 10, that also benefits a worthy charity. The sale is 10% off everything in their online store, boosted to 48% off of any print book for The Strange RPG.

More importantly, Monte Cook Games will donate 10% of all the proceeds from the sale to the ACLU. MCG’s stated reason for this sale is that “these are indeed strange times,” and they point readers to their recently released core values statement—which extolls the virtues of inclusivity, diversity, and truthfulness.

Green Ronin Publishing

Another publisher, Green Ronin, also has a special charitable deal going on right now. Why?

“Things feel different in 2017…It’s like we’ve all moved into a darker timeline, with forces thought vanquished in WWII coming back to haunt us again while a dangerous instability affects America and the world.”

For the month of February, Green Ronin has discounted their recent Mutants & Masterminds sourcebook The Cosmic Handbook on their web store ($19.95 in print and $12.95 in PDF), and they’re donating $10 from each sale to the Union of Concerned Scientists. In addition to this, Green Ronin plans to have new sales every month to benefit additional charities.

“We will use these sales to highlight organizations doing good and important work that can help us all weather the coming days.”


It won’t surprise me if we see more charitable gaming promotions like this, and if you know of any, please let me know and I’ll do my part to publicize them here.

Are these game publishers, and I, and the millions of people protesting and marching, overreacting? I sure hope so. But either way, I’m glad we have people in our society–and our industry–who try to help people targeted by stupidity and hate.

Palpatine’s Coronation

Guest post by Zav Pulsar, BrightStar News

Earlier this afternoon in a special session of the Galactic Senate, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine declared himself Emperor, reforming the Republic into a Galactic Empire. The Senate reaction to this declaration was mostly positive, with the exception of a few minor planets already known for promoting dangerously radical policies.

Emperor Palpatine emphasized his platform of increased security from outside threats, a stronger military, and the elimination of a group of religious extremists who have been enemies of the state since this afternoon. When asked about the need for such an extreme measure as forming an empire, the Emperor assured reporters that his information about the threats we face–which must remain secret–is absolutely true, and that we can all take his word for it.

Some alarmists have spoken out against the idea of such an authoritarian and militaristic move. In a press conference after the Emperor’s self-coronation, His Exaltedness attempted to assuage their unfounded fears.

“Our enemies respond to strength, and that’s what we’re going to show them. Take this new line of ships the Galactic News Net has been all worked up about, the Star Destroyers. That’s just a name! They’re destroyers that travel between stars, that’s all.” He chuckled. “Trust me, we can’t destroy stars. We can’t even destroy planets, just yet.”

Our illustrious Emperor gave other examples of the improvements he will be implementing immediately, such as:

  • “Clone Troopers” will now be known as “Stormtroopers.” (The emphasis of “storms” over “clones” clearly representing a renewed focus on traditional values and environmentalism.)
  • Citizens should no longer feel obligated to say “May the force be with you.” In fact, no one should say this anymore, ever. It is now classified hate speech.
  • Aliens on the capital world of Coruscant will now receive special treatment. All aliens, report to the lowest level of the city you live in and await further instructions.

The wise and mighty Emperor Palpatine did not comment on the holo-video that surfaced yesterday, apparently showing him firing some sort of electrical energy out of his fingertips and into a protocol droid after it dropped his soup. Despite the alarmist reaction of some other news networks, most citizens are unconcerned. As Outer Rim nerf herder Grav Gonnel said, “Aw, that’s just somethin’ that happens sometimes. Even the best of men slip up now ‘n then. Besides, it was just a droid.”

Responding to this issue and other criticisms leveled against our glorious Emperor, local businessman and CEO Janus Stargrafter said that critics of Palpatine should “just give him a chance.” He added, “It’s been less than a day since the man declared himself emperor! These whiners are judging him prematurely.”

We here at BrightStar News pledge to remain open-minded and objective, and we wish magnificent Emperor Palpatine (dare we say “The First”?) all the success in the galaxy.

(Editorial note: We are also pleased to announce that BrightStar News has been chosen as the official, exclusive reporting agency for the Empire. We regret that our long-time competitors at Galactic News Net will not be reporting alongside us, as they are currently occupied with their recent financial and legal troubles.)

Smuggled Goods Table For Edge of the Empire

By heydrienne (Flickr) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

While running Edge of the Empire last night, I wished I had some tables like the ones that come with Savage Rifts—the ones that let you generate an adventure on the fly. Specifically, what I wanted in our session was a list of commonly smuggled items, because the players wanted to pick up a quick job.

(I borrowed “counterfeit foodstuffs” from Lords of Nal Hutta, because I found the term entertaining and wanted to see how my players interpreted it. Collectively, we decided that the cargo would be wax fruit, on its way to be sold for school lunches.)

Here’s a table I put together to use next time. I didn’t see anything that exactly suited my needs online, though the community support for this game is outstanding and it wouldn’t surprise me if someone has done this already. Also, I don’t own the smuggler book yet, so something useful might be in there. (If so, let me know!)

Smuggled Goods Table

d10 Commodity Recommended subtype (d4)
1-2 Stolen goods (1) artwork, (2) documents, (3) data, (4) artifacts
3-4 Counterfeit goods (1) clothing (2) high-tech items (3) luxury items (4) foodstuffs
5 Technology (1) droids/droid parts, (2) ship parts, (3) cybernetics, (4) other restricted tech (e.g. comms, cloaking tech, lightsabers
6 Weapons (1) archaic personal, (2) modern personal, (3) vehicle-mounted, (4) ship-mounted
7 Drugs (1) spice, (2) hallucinogens, (3) death sticks, (4) potent beverages
8 Biological cargo (1) bacterial agents, (2) animal parts, (3) live animals, (4) live plants
9 Medical items (1) medication, (2) bacta, (3) replacement parts (cybernetic or organic), (4) poison
10 Exotic (1) slaves, (2) captive(s), (3) hazardous materials, (4) something really weird (e.g. alien babies, sentient gases, transdimensional contraceptives)

If you have anything you’d like to add to this table, let me know in the comments!